The Story: In The Glass Castle, Jeannette tells the story of her memorable childhood. From the deserts of Arizona to Park Avenue, Jeannette has lived everywhere. Her parents aren't your usual types of parents, as you can see. Rex Walls is an alcoholic that can seem like the best dad in the world one minute, and then the worst all in the flip of a page. Rose Mary Walls is a free-spirited artist that makes her kids seem like a burden. Both parents don't take care of their children very well, so the Walls' children grow up tough. From eating sticks of butter to survive, to dragging their mother out of bed to work, The Glass Castle is a story of resilience and hope.
Chloe's Critique: I really enjoyed this book. I think Jeannette wins the award for "Most Memorable and Crazy Childhood" :). It really makes you think about how much you love your family, even if they're a little peculiar. Also, at the end, it shows you that you control your future. Jeannette and her siblings didn't want to be stuck in Welch, the town they were living in, and they didn't want to take care of their parents their whole lives. So, slowly, they started saving up to start sending each of the kids to New York City. You just have to read this book. Now.
Rating: 5/5 stars